Shahnaz Sumi
Shahnaz Sumi is the Deputy Director, Bangladesh Nari Progati Sangh (BNSP) and core committee member of SAAPE. She has 26 years’ experiences on advocacy campaign for enabling environment for women in family to state, gender responsive budget, gender responsive local government, campaign for policy and laws in favor of women, Gender responsive education policy, SRHR, climate change issues etc.
Since 1995 professional work in the area of preventing violence against women, contributions to the development of laws (Women & Children Protection Act 2000, Domestic Violence act 2010, Child Marriage Act etc.) and policy (National Women Development Policy, Child Policy) measures in Bangladesh. She has a strong advocacy and networking skill and she represents BNPS in Citizens’ Initiative on CEDAW, Bangladesh; Social Action Committee, Governance Advocacy Forum and other networks. She contributed in external organisations in developing strategy, guideline and prepare to ensure women participation. She worked as a resource person for develop Gender policy and Prevention of Sexual Harassment Policy of different institution in Bangladesh.