Tax Justice and Gender Equality Conference 2021

Making taxes work for women

Organised by the Global Alliance for Tax Justice (GATJ) and the members of its Tax and Gender Working Group, the Conference aims to create spaces to share, discuss and develop alternative perspectives to establish a sustainable feminist taxation and economic system for the realisation of substantive gender equality and women’s rights. It will be a safe space to connect with other organisations, advocates and activists, build alliances and advance both tax justice and gender justice.


Monday - Wednesday
6th - 8th December, 2021


Zoom Meeting


Global Alliance for Tax Justice



meet our speakers

Anders Dahlbeck

Global Tax Policy and Programme Manager
ActionAid Denmark

Aquila Ng’onga

Programmes Officer
Consumer Unity and Trust Society International

Caroline Othim

Global Policy Advocacy and Campaigns Coordinator
Global Alliance for Tax Justice (GATJ)

Chenai Mukumba

Policy Research and Advocacy Manager
Tax Justice Network Africa (TJNA)

schedule details

Note: You need to register for each event separately. The start time of all sessions is indicated in East Africa Time.

Day 1
6 December 2021
Day 2
7 December 2021
Day 3
8 December 2021
10:00 am - 11:00 am
( UTC +3 )
Hosted By : Global Alliance for Tax Justice (GATJ)

Task force working session

Matti Kohonen
Executive Director
Caroline Othim
Global Policy Advocacy and Campaigns Coordinator
Chenai Mukumba
Policy Research and Advocacy Manager

This is a highly organized session that will bring together members of the task force to draft the Conference Communique, Tax and Gender Commitment and to update the Bogota Declaration.

10:30 am - 11:00 am
( UTC +3 )

Music and Meditation - Spotify playlist

11:00 am - 12:30 pm
( UTC +3 )
Hosted By : Action Aid
Co-Hosted By : TaxEd Alliance, WWG on FFD

Country perspectives on public services, unpaid care, austerity and tax justice

Andrew Itai Chikowore
Head of Programmes and Resource Mobilization

This session brings the work from across ActionAid federation and the TaxEd Alliance. The TaxEd Alliance working both on feminist progressive revenue mobilisation, but also spending, the importance of adequate financing education in diminishing unpaid care work, using the Gender Responsive Public Services. The session will draw on research across 10 countries on the Public Versus Austerity looking at how public sector wage bill cuts affect public services and unpaid care work. Women are triply disadvantaged when public services are cut due to increased unpaid care, reduced access to services and loss of decent work opportunities. And finally the role tax justice can plan countering austerity narratives, while calling for alliances between tax justice and end austerity campaigners.

1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
( UTC +3 )
Hosted By : The African Women's Development and Communications Network (FEMNET)
Co-Hosted By : Oxfam, SEATINI Uganda, CUTS International, Action Aid

Fair tax systems in Africa. Do women and girls matter?

Aquila Ng’onga
Programmes Officer
Ishmael Zulu
Policy Officer - Tax and Equity
Joseph Okecho Olwenyi
Coordinator Financing for Development Programme
Robert Ssuna
Coordinator-Fiscal Justice

The session will be premised on research findings and practical experiences by the session organizers in Uganda and Zambia with focus on the following aspects. Impacts of key tax policies/proposals on women and girls, the overall gendered aspects of the tax system in each of the countries; multinationals businesses and tax incentives . The OECD/G20 inclusive framework on BEPs global minimum tax and the issue of negotiations of a UN Global Tax Treaty and status of collaboration between the Ministries of Finance , revenue authorities, and Civil Societies.

1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
( UTC +3 )
Hosted By : World Basic Income (WBI)
Co-Hosted By : GiveDirectly, ReCivitas, UBI Malawi

Global taxation for a worldwide basic income: supporting unpaid care

Laura Bannister
Campaign Director
Caroline Teti
Director of Recipient Advocacy

This session will present the experiences of women receiving UBI in lower income countries, and will explore the emerging movement for a worldwide basic income, funded through global taxation.

3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
( UTC +3 )
Hosted By : Global Alliance for Tax Justice (GATJ)

Plenary - Opening Session “Shifting the Narratives; feminist taxation perspectives,”

Caroline Othim
Global Policy Advocacy and Campaigns Coordinator
Dr Dereje Alemayehu
Executive Coordinator

This will be a High level roundtable with policy makers to officially open the Conference. The COVID-19 crisis of multiple dimensions is deepening the pre-existing structural inequalities, such as gender inequality in its different manifestations. Regressive and discriminatory tax policies are being used to raise government revenues, and continue to negatively impact poor people, especially women. Moreover, a broken international tax system and financial architecture continue to enable opaque legal structures and entities to facilitate illicit financial flows and tax abuse by the wealthy elite and multinational companies, depriving governments of much needed resources to fund public services. The session will highlight the need for structural reforms that uphold redistributive justice, including equal and progressive reforms in tax systems, where the wealthy elites and MNCs pay their share of taxes. The session will reassert the importance for governments to explore financing models that are truly transformative, address inequalities and advance gender and economic justice.

5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
( UTC +3 )
Hosted By : Action Aid
Co-Hosted By : GATJ, WWG on FFD

Action Aid- Intergenerational feminist conversation intersectionality in tax and gender justice

Chenai Mukumba
Policy Research and Advocacy Manager

Feminist exploration - Intergenerational and intersectional feminist conversation on intersectionality in tax and gender justice - share lessons, solidify the tax justice movement and encourage younger activists to reimagine new ways of economic and tax justice realities – beyond gender normative or heteronormative.

5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
( UTC +3 )
Hosted By : ATTAC -TOGO
Co-Hosted By : JEAD-TOGO , SJC-Togo

The impact of tax policies on women and vulnerable groups in Togo


7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
( UTC +3 )
Hosted By : Global Alliance for Tax Justice (GATJ)

Task force working session to draft the Conference Communique and update the Bogota Declaration

Matti Kohonen
Executive Director
Caroline Othim
Global Policy Advocacy and Campaigns Coordinator
Chenai Mukumba
Policy Research and Advocacy Manager
10:00 am - 11:00 am
( UTC +3 )
Hosted By : Global Alliance for Tax Justice (GATJ

Task force working session

Matti Kohonen
Executive Director
Caroline Othim
Global Policy Advocacy and Campaigns Coordinator
Chenai Mukumba
Policy Research and Advocacy Manager

This is a highly organized session that will bring together members of the task force to draft the Conference Communique, Tax and Gender Commitment and to update the Bogota Declaration.

10:30 am - 11:00 am
( UTC +3 )

Music and Meditation - Spotify playlist


11:00 am - 12:30 pm
( UTC +3 )
Hosted By : Every Child Is Your Child

POETRY SESSION "breathing life to taxes and equality through words"

Tariro Gurure
Racheal Voko
Tahana Dube
Mentor/peer educator
Albert Dimitri
Sondlane Sox

Its going to be a session of connecting and networking through the use of words, through poetry.On this day, several poets will recite poetry pieces which speak to tax justice .Broadly on definitions, what effect taxes have on women , how to reduce unfair tax burdens on women, how to ensure adequate financing and delivery of gender responsive social services, removal of gender bias and discrimination in tax policies

11:00 am - 12:30 pm
( UTC +3 )

1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
( UTC +3 )
Hosted By : Publish What You Pay (PWYP)
Co-Hosted By : Oxfam America, Action Aid

Women rights and leadership in natural resource governance: opportunities for progress in West Africa

Thando Ndlovu
Paul Ngwenya
Simz Masuku
Zwe Mjabulisi
Racheal Voko

1. Share findings from PWYP’s review on progress in implementing the 2019 EITI Standard provisions on gender
2. Share experiences of women engaged in natural resource governance in decision-making spaces at national (EITI) and regional (ECOWAS) level
3. Explore approaches for a gender responsive allocation and use of extractive revenues
4. Highlight opportunities and strategies to foster women’s leadership and voice in the natural resource governance

1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
( UTC +3 )
Hosted By : Every Child is your child

POETRY SESSION "breathing life to taxes and equality through words"

Tariro Gurure
Racheal Voko
Tahana Dube
Mentor/peer educator
Albert Dimitri

Its going to be a session of connecting and networking through the use of words, through poetry.On this day, several poets will recite poetry pieces which speak to tax justice .Broadly on definitions, what effect taxes have on women , how to reduce unfair tax burdens on women, how to ensure adequate financing and delivery of gender responsive social services, removal of gender bias and discrimination in tax policies

3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
( UTC +3 )
Hosted By : Action Aid
Co-Hosted By : Women's Working Group on FFD (WWG on FFD), Oxfam GB

The role of taxation in green, just and feminist transition

Kate Lappin
Asia Pacific Regional Secretary
Grazielle Custódio David
Economic Justice Coordinator
Anders Dahlbeck
Global Tax Policy and Programme Manager

An explorative session to share ideas and connect on taxation for a just transition that is not only green and fair but also feminist – together with other feminist organisations working on this. Including ActionAid’s soon to be published briefing Taxation for a Just Transition.

3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
( UTC +3 )
Hosted By : Financial Transparency
Co-Hosted By : CBGA, Christian Aid, Latindadd

Feminist People's Recovery: Analysing Gender Impacts of Covid-19 Recovery

Matti Kohonen
Executive Director
Robert Ssuna
Coordinator-Fiscal Justice
Caroline Othim
Global Policy Advocacy and Campaigns Coordinator
Chenai Mukumba
Policy Research and Advocacy Manager

Covid-19 recovery spending has shown that fiscal expansion is possible when governments and international institutions determine it desirable, thus breaking a key part of the neoliberal orthodoxy that there is no money. The role of the state is also seen as critical to health, social protection and unpaid care and domestic work that support the rest of the economy. These need urgent support, and the money is there if we shift the tax policies at all levels, national, regional and international to meet these new demands.

However, due to a corporate bias recovery spending was only 3.6% of GDP in in 9 countries in the global South in 2020, and 63% of this went to large corporates in loans and tax breaks to uphold the existing neoliberal economy, only 22% went to social protection grants and job protection schemes - with a bias to the formal sector in many countries rather than the care economy. For our 2021 analysis of 30 countries, we are looking at both the gendered impacts of both the corporate and the social protection spending.

5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
( UTC +3 )
Hosted By : GATJ Tax and Gender Working Group
Co-Hosted By : Members of the GATJ Tax and Gender Working Group

Feminists organising globally on tax justice and women’s rights

It will be an interactive and participatory session that will introduce the tax and gender working group to new members. Speakers will highlight the nexus between tax justice, gender equality and women's rights by looking at the different types of taxes and their implicit and explicit gender biases and impacts, as well as the impact of tax avoidance by large MNCs and wealthy individuals. The session will explore how we can tackle illicit financial flows in order to finance women’s human rights and take action for progressive gender-just tax systems. The breakout rooms segment afterwards will be a meet and greet opportunity for members of the working group to network and connect.

5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
( Buenos Aires )
Hosted By : Red de Justicia Fiscal de América Latina y el Caribe (RJFALC)
Co-Hosted By : Latindadd

Tax justice and gender equality in Latin America and the Caribbean

Eva Sacco
Economista e investigadora

In a context of public deficit, debt and precariousness of the public health systems, it is necessary to analyze the fiscal space and the mechanisms that are currently being used for the implementation of policies in Latin America and the Caribbean. The RJFALC, together with Latindadd and GATJ, invites you to participate in this discussion with Latin American experts to find alternatives to make taxes work for women.

7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
( UTC +3 )
Hosted By : Global Alliance for Tax Justice (GATJ

Task force working session to draft the Conference Communique and update the Bogota Declaration

Matti Kohonen
Executive Director
Caroline Othim
Global Policy Advocacy and Campaigns Coordinator
Chenai Mukumba
Policy Research and Advocacy Manager
10:00 am - 11:00 am
( UTC +3 )
Hosted By : Global Alliance for Tax Justice (GATJ)

Task force working sessions to draft the Conference Communique and update the Bogota Declaration - vote?

Matti Kohonen
Executive Director
Caroline Othim
Global Policy Advocacy and Campaigns Coordinator
Chenai Mukumba
Policy Research and Advocacy Manager

This is a highly organized session that will bring together members of the task force to draft the Conference Communique, Tax and Gender Commitment and to update the Bogota Declaration.

11:00 am - 12:30 pm
( UTC +3 )
Hosted By : South Asia Alliance for Poverty Eradication (SAAPE)
Co-Hosted By : South Asia Tax and Fiscal Justice Alliance (SATaFJA)

Taxation Policies and Gender Inequality in South Asia

Amali Wedagedara
Reshma Shakya
Chamila Thusari
Programme Coordinator
Shahnaz Sumi
Deputy Director
Sushovan Dhar
Core Committee member
Malini Chakravarty
Thematic Lead for Research on Tax Equity
JaibuNisha Reyaz
Women Rights Campaign Member
Aminath Shazly
Core Committee Member
Aabida Ali
Core Committee Member
Nalini Ratnarajah
Core Committee Member

Understanding the importance of tax and fiscal justice on addressing multiple inequalities in the region, South Asia Alliance for Poverty Eradication (SAAPE), a regional platform, working against the structural causes of poverty, inequality and social injustices in South Asia and South Asia Tax and Fiscal Justice Alliance (SATaFJA), South Asian regional network working on the issues of taxation and inequality level with major emphasis on gender justice is concerned about the shocking rise of inequalities affecting millions of people especially women in South Asia.

11:00 am - 12:30 pm
( UTC +3 )

1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
( UTC +3 )
Hosted By : Centre Régional Africain pour le Développement Endogène et Communautaire (CRADEC)
Co-Hosted By : Tax Justice Network Africa (TJNA)

Tax Policy Development for Gender-Responsive Budgeting and Making tax work for gender equality in cameroon.

Jean Mballa Mballa
Executive Director
Executive Secretary
Ishmael Zulu
Policy Officer - Tax and Equity

Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB) is a tool for addressing gender equality, in the design and administration of tax policies.
This session aims to strengthen the capacities of Cameroonian parliamentarians in their advocacy for the promotion of gender through progressive taxation, feminist and oriented on human rights in general and women in particular. Capacity building will be done through certain tools from different organizations (ActionAid, Akina mama wa Africa, etc.) taking examples in the national context. A participatory approach based on examples and internal resources to facilitate learning will be used. The production of messages at the end of each sequence will be encouraged to facilitate the internalization of knowledge.

1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
( UTC +3 )

3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
( UTC +3 )
Hosted By : Nawi – Afrifem Macroeconomics Collective
Co-Hosted By : Tax Justice Network-Africa (TJNA), Akina Mama wa Afrika and Gender and Development Network (GADN)

Why you should care about the new G7 tax deal: its gender implications for Africa

Crystal Simeoni

This session will give an overview of the “historic” tax deal that was announced as part of this year’s G7 Summit, which would see the introduction of a new global minimum tax rate for corporations. As the deal moves from endorsement to implementation, serious questions remain about its likely impacts and who it will really benefit. Panelists will share what the implications of this deal are on African countries, with a specific focus on how this will affect women’s access to key public services.

3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
( UTC +3 )
Hosted By : Action Aid
Co-Hosted By : Oxfam GB

Reflection Action Toolkit on tax, public services, unpaid care work

Johannes Chiminya
Global Tax Advisor

Workshop using sections from the Reflection Action Toolkit made up of a variety of participatory tools to help people analyse rights and power and to better understand and plan action on the issues that affect them.The workshop will talk through different tools based on segments on tax power, Public Service Accountability, Accountability in gender responsive quality service delivery and Women's Unpaid Care Work allowing to explore the tools and to discuss the tools from a gender perspective lead by colleagues that have used this in their countries, exploring how to bring tax and gender issues to the community level.

5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
( UTC +3 )
Hosted By : Global Alliance for Tax Justice (GATJ)
Co-Hosted By : Taskforce members

Plenary to present conference communique and Bogota Declaration+4 - Closing Session: GATJ

Matti Kohonen
Executive Director
Caroline Othim
Global Policy Advocacy and Campaigns Coordinator
Dr Dereje Alemayehu
Executive Coordinator

This will be a High Level Public Session that will provide a wrap up for the Conference, addressing progress, evaluating the current situation, summarizing challenges; highlighting good practices; and formulation of policy positions into the tax and gender working group strategy through the presentation of the:
Conference Communique
Bogota Declaration +5
Generation Equality Action Coalition Commitment on Tax and Gender.





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